comment on Nonlie's letter

Nonlie’s letter to her younger self on reminded me of my letter to my younger self ,Ashness on in many ways. Like me, Nonlie also talks to her younger self about how her mind deviated from her purpose to be here because of the influence of alcohol and partying. While I give an example of “cane train” special at the union and Nonlie spoke about “southern comfort and lime at olde 65, both of us stressed on the same point of facing drastic consequences of having a,like Nonlie puts it,” hectic social life”. The drastic consequences that were faced by me , as I mentioned in my letter, are mostly the same as Nonlie such as working on assignments at the last moment and failing most of them, almost passing June exams but most importantly, not living up to our families’ expectations. In our letters, we question our younger selves to wake them up from their deep sleep and welcome to,as Nonlie says “reality”.
Much love sister