Letter to my younger first year self

Dear Free Spirit

New beginnings come with new challenges and this year will be no different. Rather you will be faced with greater challenges that you are ready to face if you put your mind to it. One such great challenge is not as intimidating as you view it to be in your mind. You have always known that you are some what of an acquired taste to have as a friend and this is what makes you uniquely Angelina. It should never have been a topic for discussion in therapy making friends can be an intimidating task. Making friends, inner peace with your self , genuine happiness and that thirst for adventure are the characteristics that you have always possessed and need not lose at this new stage in your life.

Your fear of not fitting-in and being isolated to only your thoughts as company does not have to be a constant reality. Discovering new people does not mean forgetting who you are. It is difficult for you to trust people but fear only holds you back from some of the best relationships you will nature during the cause of this year. When doubt leaps over your thoughts about the pleasure that you are to others remember always the friends in your heart , people who make a pleasant difference during this journey called life. Once you have distinguished the people that love and genuinely care for you, your first year becomes more exciting and memories that you will cherish for years to come will be created. I still cringe at the sexual freedom exhibited by some of the students at the OutRhodes parties , our own then SRC president parading half naked at the Old Goal this was his alter ego which was the theme of that particular party. You will soon learn to enjoy and never miss any such parties in the future.

Expand your horizons and try new things go to places and events you usually would not , engage in broader conversations even with strangers and develop a relationship with your course work. All these will provide you with a better sense of belonging and enjoying the time you will be spending here at University.

Love always
Angelina Ballerina